Thursday, December 2, 2010

Best April Fools Day ever?

When April 1st, 1974 rolled around, Sitka, AK resident 'Porky' Bickar decided to go big or go home. He looked towards majestic Mount Edgecumbe, sleepily sitting 14 miles away, and was hit with arguably the best April Fools idea ever:

After being turned down (or laughed off) by several other charter companies, Mr. Bickar called a mutual friend at Temsco Helicopters, Inc. Once he convinced the clerk to book a flight up to the mountain, Bickar raced home to fashion two makeshift rope slings out of manila and strung them each through a stack of 100 old car tires.

Porky and his new friend Earl from Temsco then hooked their chopper onto the sling of tires and proceeded to the waiting summit of the mountain. Earl found a suitable spot to touch down, Porky hopped out, disconnected the cable and then tossed the rest of his fuel on the pile; a bunch of oily rags, a gallon of sterno, a jug of diesel oil, and a dozen smoke bombs.

He lit a match, and presto! Scare the shit out of the entire town!


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