Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Being a Shipbreaker in Alang, India is totally insane

Totally insane. Alang, India is one of several beaches around the world that specialize in 'Shipbreaking'. Massive tanker ships are beached in front of run-down shanty towns full of salvagers who make a living cutting apart floating skyscrapers with simple blowtorches.

Due to an annoying thing called 'Health and Environmental Regulations' that we have in developed countries, none of this crazy shit can be legally done in Europe or the Americas. Asbestos and PCB's (polychlorinated biphenyls) are strictly regulated in the United States and removal and disposal of these substances using American workers is an insurance nightmare as well as a breach of about every current health and labour law written.

Helmets? Shit, these dudes are wearing slip-on shoes!
So companies involved in salvaging and selling scrap metal prefer to send their ships to places like this to cut down on expenses and liability; the almighty dollar strikes again.

What you end up having are young men without any training whatsoever and minimal safety equipment climbing to the top of rusting steel behemoths, archaically slicing chunks off the hull, sending them crashing into the surf.

It is estimated that half of all ships salvaged worldwide end up here.
