Friday, May 13, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011

This is a true doorway to hell

This is called Derweze. In the language of those in Turkmenistan, it means "The Gate" and I think it is pretty clear why. Located deep in the Karakum desert east of the Caspian Sea, the area surrounding Derweze is rich with natural gas.

In 1971, when the country was still part of the USSR, a team of Soviet geologists came to the area to drill for natural gas deposits. Little did they know that this particular location (40°15′10″N 58°26′22″E.) was the home of a large underground cavern, which subsequently collapsed and destroyed the drilling rig. This resulted in a streaming natural gas leak coming from the bottom of a newly formed crater.

In efforts to quell a dangerously large scale gas leak, the Soviets decided to set fire to the stream of gas, assuming it would burn itself out in a matter of days or weeks. As you can see above, the fire still burns strong in 2011, a ridiculous 40 years later!!!

Apparently plans have finally been made in 2010 to develop this clearly rich deposit of gas. Damned if I know why it took so long to decide to capture this gas, but there is something badass about an Eternal Flame this massive.
