Sunday, September 27, 2020

YVRSHOOTS: THE REVENANT Films Bear Attack With Leonardo DiCaprio & “The Bear” in Squamish

Updated with details of the filming of the Squamish bear attack. Helmed by director Alejandro González Iñárritu and lensed by Oscar-winning Gravity cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki, this A-list feature is the true story of a 19th century fur trapper Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio) bent on revenge after a mercenary (Tom Hardy) kills his son and leaves him for dead following a bear attack. 

[The attack was done without any real bears in a small area of first growth timber on the Squamish River known as the “Derringer Forest’ for three days with DiCaprio on a harness yanked around and smashing into prop rubber trees so he wouldn’t be hurt. Vancouver stuntman Glenn Ennis dressed in a blue-screen suit played the bear]
Other proposed upper Squamish Valley filming included a daytime scene of group of trappers walking across the sandbar at Shovehouse Creek carrying injured Hugh Glass (DiCaprio) on a makeshift stretcher, a daytime scene of a trapper hunting for prey in the bush and a night scene of a large camp of about 20 trappers at a simple tarp/tent structure with several burning camp fires. 

 At the Whistler Film Festival a few weeks later, West Vancouver-Sea to Sky MLA Jordan Sturdy spoke of driving past The Revenant’s lit-up sky near Squamish for several nights in a row.
Only 10% of The Revenant was shot in B.C. versus 90% in Alberta — production began in southern Alberta in late September and is expected to wrap there in [September], having already shot the epic “Indians attack” battle scene west of Calgary on the Morley reserve. 

Other Alberta filming locations include Drumheller, Kananaskis Country, Dead Man’s Flats and areas near Canmore, according to the Calgary Herald. The Revenant is expected in selected theatres on Christmas Day next year and in wide release on January 8th in 2016.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Location: Stewarttown, Ontario
Date Reported or Discovered: July 23 - 31, 2003 (initial formation found on July 23; additions found on July 31)
Crop: wheat
Shape: "pictogram" of nine circles, ring and pathways
Size: 99 metres / 326 feet 
(final size, approx.)Other: Near location of formations at Georgetown and Limehouse in 2002. Lay in all circles and ring is counterclockwise. Original three-circle formation found July 23, six additional circles and other pathways found added on July 31 (see diagrams). Apparent lodging also seen in some nearby fields.
On-site investigation: Joanna Emery, Matt Rock, Henry Range

Field Report
Matt Rock, CCCRN Ontario
July 25, 2003
Minor corrections.
I want to make some changes the circle sizes from the measurements that were made yesterday.
west most circle is 52 feet diameter
north most circle is 44 feet diameter
large central circle:
outer downed ring is 17 feet thick
standing crop ring is 9 feet thick
central circle is 54 feet diameter
total ring/circle diameter = 106 feet diameter
I checked the alignment of the the formation with regard to magnetic north. It appears that the formation lines up with the due north and west directions well enough to say perfect.
I did another observation while Joanna and Mike were in the formation doing photos when it was getting dark.
I measured the electric field and the magnetic field of the nearby power lines. I went directly under them and measured 25KV per meter ^2 electrical field and about 35 milligauss magnetic field. I then walked back toward the formation to where the point where the meter measured 1 milliguass. I did not do this for the E-field, but I'll try for tonight.
A friend of mine, Adrian, had shown up and was discussing things with Joanna and Mike. Adrian and I had found a random formation that was about 30 or 40 feet away from the west circle. We walked over to it from the circle. Most notablely was the shape and node bending of it. Lot's of node bending to 90 degrees and about 45 to 90 on all nodes of about 40 percent of the plants. The overall shape of the formation appeared to be shaped like an arrow. I think the overall size was about 9 by 6 feet. It pointed in the south westerly direction. I am going to 'follow' this arrow if I have time tonight. It may be an actual "guide" who knows. I found this sort of thing last year in Richmond Hill and it was "guiding" me to look around the area.
Drawing will follow shortly. I'm going to include the power trans. tower with estimated distance plus all measurements.

Field Report
Matt Rock, CCCRN Ontario
July 25, 2003
Supplement to Joanna's findings from this morning.
I went back in to the field today at about 2:00pm and left at 4:00pm. Did a general survey and took many photos including some from a tree nearby (about 25 feet upward). I took some magnetic readings and plotted them on a diagram I put together. Going to bring out a compass tonight to verify my readings today. I believe the formation is lined up somewhat to the North and West compass directions.
There were some odd spots on the ring that had change in direction of crop lay. Locations seem to be at or near the tangenting smaller circles. The lay seems to traject about 45 degree off the steady angular path of fallen crop. These seem to be about 10 feet long stretches of 45 degree angle dropping crop.
My estimated diameters of the circles are:
west most circle: 44 feet diam counterclockwise lay
north most circle: 49 feet diam counterclockwise lay
middle circle: 52 feet diam counter clockwise lay standing ring: 9 feet thick (extremities: 52 feet diam to 70 feet diam) outside ring: 16 feet thick (extremities: 70 feet diam to 102 feet diam) Middle circle/ring total: 102 feet diam
I grabbed about 20 seed heads and found one stone at the middle of the most west circle.
Grape shots found north of the formation in weeds and grasses about 45 feet north of the east most circle. About 3 feet diameter. Plus some random formation found about north west of the west circle at the edge of the field. Looks like weeks old stuff.
Some crackling did occur, but I wasn't sure if it was thermal expansion activity or not. Sun was out and it was hot. I got dizzy at about 4:00pm and decided to leave.
Magnetic signature measuered in the 0 to 3 milligauss range using a Trifield detector:
I measured about 0.35 mG at the west most point of the west circle and measured a gradient from there all the way to the east most tangent or chord of the east circle with a reading of 1 mG and about 0.8 mG at the east most portion of the ring. I can deduct that this reading is from the nearby power transmission lines. I am quite sure that this reading will continue to get stronger the closer I get to the towers. No measureable E-field.
The nearest Tower is about 300 to 500 feet away.
I had a slight microwave reading of about 0.1 milliwatts per cm^2 in the ring at the ground level. No other readings present elsewhere.
The height of the bending point of the crop is about 1 to 2 cm above ground surface (usual).
I have done another experiment and checked for 'peaks and troughs' in the formation. I did this last year for my curiosity. So I did it again in the inner most largest circle. I got measurements between troughs at about 12 to 14 inches. I worked out a frequency from this of 3 Gighertz
Troughs are the regions of the lay the are lower and peaks are the hills. Looking into the largest circle, the lay is counter clockwise and you will see a pattern of various hills and valleys/troughs. Thikning in how electromagnetic waves propagate and thinking antenna theory as well I assumed I could percieve what energy frequency is at play. Perhaps or perhaps not!
For those who do not know: wavelength = speed of light/frequency. Therefore wavelength = 12 to 14 inches which equates to 30cm to 35cm (0.3 and 0.35 metres). Wavelength measure in meters.
I'll draw up a diagram (Autocad 2000) perhaps tonight or tommorrow and send off to Paul with the readings I had plus with compass headings.


Formation on July 23, 2003.
© Matt Rock, CCCRN Ontario

Formation on July 31, 2003, with an additional six circles and other pathways and relationship of the formation to those at Hensall and Cranbrook, plus similarities to Pleidaes star cluster.
© Matt Rock, CCCRN Ontario


Aerial view of the second-stage formation, with additional circles and pathways.
© Matt Rock, CCCRN Ontario

Another aerial view.
© Henry Range

The "monk" shadow-like anomaly in photo taken July 27 by Joanne Chrobot, somewhat like a standing figure, in alignment with parting in the crop (from visitors) at edge of the circle, with surrounding discolouration which continues to the top of photo.
© Joanne Chrobot, KnowledgeWorks Global Inc.

A picturesque view of the initial three-circle formation, framed by Canadian maple leaves.
© Matt Rock, CCCRN Ontario

© Henry Range

© Joanna Emery, CCCRN Ontario

Joanna Emery and Henry Range.
© Joanna Emery, CCCRN Ontario

The formation at sunset.
© Joanna Emery, CCCRN Ontario

© Joanna Emery, CCCRN Ontario

© Joanna Emery, CCCRN Ontario

© Joanna Emery, CCCRN Ontario

Standing, bent stalks.
© Joanna Emery, CCCRN Ontario

Standing, "sheared off" stalk.
© Joanna Emery, CCCRN Ontario

Formation with additional circles and pathways, after July 31.
© Matt Rock, CCCRN Ontario

Formation with additional circles and pathways, after July 31.
© Matt Rock, CCCRN Ontario

Formation with additional circles and pathways, after July 31.
© Matt Rock, CCCRN Ontario

© Marianne Woo, Bloom Magazine

© Marianne Woo, Bloom Magazine

Field Report
Joanna Emery, CCCRN Ontario
July 24, 2003
This just might be the first Canadian crop circle of the 2003 summer season. It was discovered by a passer-by on July 23rd at about 7pm. The crop is golden wheat (I believe) although some rather 'greenish' stalks were seen within the circles. Interesting to note that this formation is only a mile or two from the Limehouse formation of 2002 and also the Georgetown formation of 2002 - both with 'inner rings' like this present one. This formation is near a busy road on which large trucks constantly drive by to the nearby limestone quarry. It is also near large powerlines.
The formation is a triplet - that is three circles - almost forming a type of 'Mickey Mouse' outline or 'Celtic cross' shape. The middle circle is the largest - about 50 feet across and has a five-foot wide inner ring of standing crop. The outer section of flattened crop is about 14 feet wide and goes counter-clockwise. The inner section of flattened crop goes in a signature 'swirl', counter-clockwise also, and has a flowing, gently pressed qualitiy although I noticed layers underneath (going in different directions). This is also true for the two adjoining circles on either side of the big, centre one. These circles are both about 40 feet in diameter. They both swirl counterclockwise.
I also noticed that the stalks had obvious stretched and swollen nodes (especially notable on the 1st node below the seed head that was about 1.5 to 2 feet below the seed head) and were somewhat dehydrated closer to the ground. All were bent, and no board marks seen. Node changes were more visible in the centre and south-right side circles (perhaps created first?) and I also found one single standing stalk in centre circle that didn't have a seed head - it seemed 'sheared off'. There were also occassional standing stalks, some bent a few inches below the seed head, throughout the middle and south-right circle making hoaxing more unlikely. Perhaps the 'energy' was more forceful here? A few flattened weeds were seen as well. Also, I found a small cloverleaf plant amidst the stalks in the top, south-right circle that had a SMALL FLY-LIKE INSECT stuck on it by it's head - or perhaps tongue? Almost looks like the poor thing was slammed into the leaf. Will try and have this looked into.
I must add that if there ever was a crop circle to show that randomly-downed areas might be affected by the same force as that which may cause crop circles (in other words, the two things are 'linked'), it was this one. Seemingly flowing 'splays' were seen in all the circles although to a greater degree in the one smaller, bottom circle. These splays gave the circle a 'lodged' effect. The energy 'force' seemed to be more specific in the middle and top south-right circle. I also noticed a grapeshot splay near the whole formation and not far, in the same field and other fields, there is noticeable lodging.
Overall, I felt very positive in this formation although a bit dizzy - perhaps due to excitement and the early morning hour. Aerials and more information pending.
Joanna Emery
Ontario Coordinator

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Church 2013 - A Review (by Brian Altano of

It's hard to believe that it has been so many centuries since the developer RELIGION released the popular "Church" franchise. With thousands of different versions making their way to platforms all over the world, how does the latest iteration in the series hold up? 

As it turns out, Church 2013 is a mixed bag and this once interesting life-improvement simulator is now showing its age and inability to innovate more than ever before. In fact, Church 2013 is practically an unplayable mess.

Most of the gameplay in Church 2013 involves sitting, standing or kneeling while endless dialogue cutscenes go on and on. Using real-world currency, players are often prompted to enhance their status within Church 2013 or purchase "Unlimited Life" in the rumoured New Game+ DLC. Unfortunately, I have found that almost none of these purchases seem to improve my character no matter how many times I have paid.

For a title that promises ease of use, this system is broken at best and seems to value only the richest of players. Loot drops are few and far between, although the optional Bread & Wine Eucharist sidequest is always present despite having little to no effect on my character. And that's not helping the ridiculous storylines, which waiver from hilariously over-the-top and entertaining to convoluted, hypocritical and offensive. How exactly is the Woman character class created using merely a rib from the Man character class? And why is she programmed to be so helpless and underpowered when compared to the Man character class who even goes as far as to command full control of her character and decision tree during the baby introduction stages. And why are the two players permanently punished for seeking additional Tutorial information during the Eden campaign? None of these questions are ever really answered even though the developers seem content with assuming their actions are not only unquestionable, but completely definitive.

Meanwhile, while the soundtrack may seem deep and influential, most of the songs are just uninspired remixes of the in-game narrative mumbled pointlessly by the NPC's. The entire lyrics sheet to Church 2013's main theme "Hallelujah" for example, is really just the song's title repeated over and over at different lengths and octaves, which is lazy at best. Church 2013's sound design is repetitive, with most of the audio coming from an organ and one vocalist. It is worth noting  that the Blackchurch mod adds happier characters and electric guitar.

It's honestly hard to imagine how much longer this franchise can go on for, as little to no improvements are made to it annually and it seems to be holding the genre back more than helping it. Church 2013 is rated E for Everyone and playable for people of all ages although most modern players may find the title to seem strange and incoherent when compared to some of the more contemporary offerings such as Science 2013, Logic 2013 and Facts 2013. Additionally, younger players may find Church 2013 to be scary and intimidating as they are more susceptible  to physical and emotional damage from the Priest character classes. In a time where players have dozens of better options to choose from, Church 2013 feels like a giant clunky step backwards. 

Church 2013 is a Massively Multiplayer, free-to-pray simulator that is not compatible with atheist, tolerant, agnostic or same-sex systems.

Grade: 3.5 / 10


Friday, February 15, 2013

6 Director Suggestions for the HALF-LIFE and/or PORTAL Film Adaptation

To say that J.J. Abrams is a busy man is beyond an understatement. When I read last week that he was going to be involved in making a Half-Life or Portal feature film with Gabe Newell and Valve Corporation, I honestly thought I was reading some sort of Onionesque article playfully poking fun at the absolute tsunami of J.J Abrams news we seem to find ourselves swimming in these days.

One has to think: in what galaxy is this man going to have enough time and energy to balance directing not only the two biggest science fiction properties in the history of entertainment in Star Wars and Star Trek, but also one of the most coveted and well-received titles in all of gaming. Hit the jump for the full list of directors:

Saturday, February 9, 2013

My Top Ten Films of 2012

Now I know this is coming slightly later than most year-end lists are posted online, but I finally was able to see all of the films on my radar and I feel like I can now confidently compile my top ten films of 2012.

The most interesting thing I found was that my number one pick was released last January and it managed to remain my favourite film throughout the entire year. Hit the jump below for the full list.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Wisdom of BigTedd #20

Big Tedd really didn't intend for this one to be the shaker that it was.

Follow The Big T-Smash on twitter


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Wisdom of BigTedd #18

How has everyone been? After a small hiatus, we have a brand new one for you.

Follow The Big T-Smash on twitter


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Wisdom of BigTedd #17

How is everyone doing today? Ready for another dandy?

Follow The Big T-Smash on twitter


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sunday, February 19, 2012