Saturday, February 9, 2013

My Top Ten Films of 2012

Now I know this is coming slightly later than most year-end lists are posted online, but I finally was able to see all of the films on my radar and I feel like I can now confidently compile my top ten films of 2012.

The most interesting thing I found was that my number one pick was released last January and it managed to remain my favourite film throughout the entire year. Hit the jump below for the full list.

Without any further ado:
  1. The Grey
  2. Beasts of the Southern Wild
  3. Side by Side
  4. Samsara
  5. Skyfall
  6. The Master 
  7. Cloud Atlas
  8. Dredd
  9. Prometheus
  10. The Raid: Redemption

What were your top films of 2012?


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