Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dark matter is a scam

Yeah I said it. I think it is a total scam.

I don't really buy it as totally legit science. But what the hell do I know?

The conundrum here lies in an error in the mathematics of gravity and mass; the basic idea behind dark matter is simply to account for a large amount of 'missing mass' throughout the universe. Stars and Galaxies are observed to be travelling at unexpectedly higher rates of speed in comparison to the gravity generated by their mass. It's as if celestial bodies are clustered around invisible, undetectable matter.

It is estimated that 80% of the observable universe is made out of this 'dark matter'.

So isn't this just bad science? Isn't this just a placeholder until we actually figure out what the universe is all about?

The theory I am going with: fuck dark matter, it's all about the Red Dwarf.

A red dwarf is a main sequence star less than half the mass of our sun. Since they undergo fusion at an extremely slow rate, they are by far the oldest and most abundant stars in existence; making up the vast majority of all stars. They and can also become convective and actually 'recycle' energy - living for an estimated 10 trillion years!!! (the universe itself is only about 14 billion years old)

Totally awesome. 

And here is the kicker: astronomers at Keck in Hawaii have just discovered that there are three times as many red dwarves in the universe as previously estimated.

So that is why I am going with the red dwarf. They are extremely hard to detect, being only about 15% as bright as our sun, astronomers were only able to find red dwarves in our little corner of the milky way. But if these guys make up the majority of matter in the universe, then:

Red Dwarves = Dark Matter

In the end, dark matter turns out to be a fancy way of saying "We don't know yet."

Case closed. Now we can all sleep at night.



  1. I was having trouble sleeping.

  2. dark matter is their excuse for their theory falling apart

  3. Personally I have believed for many years that Einstein's Relativity is a severely flawed theory, which is why scientists had to make up this dark matter / dark energy nonsense. Yes, relativity does an adequate job of making predictions, but the dark matter conundrum is just one example of where it falls short. Part of the problem is the fact that Einstein's relativity is not actually relative. Everything is measured against the static background of so-called "spacetime." Julian Barbour and his colleagues have been working for several years on an alternative to Einstein that is based closely on the work of Ernst Mach. Einstein originally used Machian dynamics, but abandoned it because the math was simply too difficult for him (Einstein was notoriously bad at math). The Machian principals that Barbour and company are using measures the movement and position of any particular body against the movement and position of at least two other local bodies, thus making it truly "relative." Barbours work has been shown to be just as accurate as Einstein's, yet it can explain our observations without the need for dark matter / energy. The added bonus is that it is scaleable, all the way from the quantum to the cosmic, which is something that Relativity absolutely cannot do.

  4. Everything we can now see, that we could not previously see, used to be dark matter. No problem with speculation, but we should be careful to say "what is" if we can't actually see it.

  5. yeah, all this dark matter crap has always stuck me as insanely stupid. Science throughout history has invented invisible things to explain unknown phenomena.

    The kicker is that the public gets suckered into all this. Global warming. Big Bang theory. It is all settled science so it must be true.

    1. Global warming is a scam, that's a known known. The big bang theroy is almost nothing. It's as bad as 'panspermia'. Just kicking the can down the road. What does the big bang explain about the origin of anything? It's nothing. It's like saying to a 2 yo, "because I said so"

      That we spend billions of 'dark matter' orbiting the Earth, digging deep into the Earth, and yet use conventional detectors to detect something who's properties we don't know's at the very least putting the cart before the horse.

  6. Dark matter is a question mark posing as an answer. That's it. That thing that I think is funny about it is that they tend to search for it with magnetic elements, ie equipment. If it's matter that has no radiation, then how can we detect it by conventional means at all? How would we know a 'dark matter' particle from any other particle? Fq? Wave length? They never bother to state exactly what they're looking for and why that thing could be considered dark matter. It just doesn't make any sense, and I'm so tired of hearing about it.

  7. You're not a very deep thinking person, are you?

  8. I posit: Dark Energy & Dark Matter are Black Hole mass and Gravitational wave energy, they aren't arcane quarks, esoteric particles, or missing.

    What this means is that there is NO missing matter or energy in the universe. Scientists do not know how many black holes exist in the Universe, or how much mass they contain - scientists are the ones in the dark.

    Massive black holes create gravitational waves that exert pressure on galaxies forcing them to expand, causing universe to expand , this is the missing energy (dark). Not hard to understand but providing a simple explanation will ruin and dry up the research funding.

    Billions are spent in research grants for the groups searching for obscure answers to dark matter and energy, even pondering new laws of physics.

    Call them out. Calculate the average mass of a black hole, divide it into missing amount of matter, and it will approximate the number of black holes that should exist., with no missing matter or energy. Conspiracy.
